As I mentioned last month, I only managed 50,503 words in November. That was enough to “win” NaNoWriMo, but it was only about two-thirds of the novel that began to emerge from my blank screen. So I continued on at the NaNoWriMo pace of1,667 words per day, and today I finished the first draft of “Just Jane”. (That’s it’s working title.)
Final word count: 78,492 words
Did I say first draft? Actually, it’s more like Draft 0. I’ve been careful about not back-tracking and re-reading, and as a result I have a few notes of things that need to be changed. But there’s only a handful – mostly minor, and nothing of a major structural nature – and the bits I have peeked at seem to read okay.
Of course it’s always hard to judge when you’re close to a project. I find that leaving things for a month or two then coming back to them gives you a fresh perspective, so I’ll suspend final judgement till then. In the meantime I have another writing project to go on with. Watch this space!